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About Us


To provide professional counselling, psychotherapy, supervision, training and consultation services to children, individuals, couples and families and to nurture the growth of helping professionals in Singapore.



At AppleTree Counselling we believe that people are innately good and want the best for themselves yet some get lost in life's journey. We believe that new awareness and nurturance can help people overcome and succeed through life's challenges and we are privileged to journey with our clients. 



We are committed to providing meaningful services delivered by SAC registered counsellors who maintain the highest ethical and professional standards. We are deeply committed to protecting the interests of our clients and their families. 



  1. Adhering to the legal, ethical and professional code of the counselling practice of Singapore Association for Counselling.

  2. Complying with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA 2012) so client’s privacy is upheld. Information received will remain confidential and all records will be kept safely for up to a period of four years and destroyed afterwards.

  3. Providing secular services as we respect your personal, ethnic values and beliefs.

  4. Adopting a holistic and systemic working model, and hence collaborate with community partners as and when necessary in the best interest of clients.

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